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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Vermont Sticky MapleThe BrueryAmerican Imperial Stout11.3%
Vermont TripsAurora Ale & Lager Co7.5%
Vermouth Gin TableHoly MountainWild Ale5.2%
Vern's Wheat Wine AleStraight to Ale BrewingWheatwine11.0%
VernalElement Brewing CompanyWheatwine
Vernal DichotomousJester King Craft Brewery
Vernal Dichotomous (2016)Jester King Craft BrewerySaison5.1%
Vernal Minthe StoutSka Brewing CompanyRussian Imperial Stout
Vernal WoodAntidoot - Wilde Fermenten
Vernon FLBurns Family Artisan AlesAmerican Imperial Stout14.0%
Verrückte Stadt PilsnerGreat Dane Pub and Brewing
Vert3 Sheeps Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
Vertical Drop Robust Red AleKannah Creek Brewing CompanyAmerican Amber / Red Ale6.2%
Vertical JewbilationShmaltz Brewing CompanyAmerican Strong Ale10.5%
Vertical Winter AleTree BrewingWinter Warmer5.0%