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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Barrel Series: Imperial Milk Stout #3Guggman HausAmerican Imperial Stout12.6%
Barrel Series: Imperial Milk Stout #5Guggman HausSweet / Milk Stout14.0%
Barrel Series: Imperial Milk Stout #9Guggman HausSweet / Milk Stout13.5%
Barrel Series: Dbl BBA Imperial Milk Stout #6Guggman HausSweet / Milk Stout14.5%
Barrel Series: Imperial Milk Stout #4Guggman HausSweet / Milk Stout13.5%
Barrel Series: Imperial Milk Stout #7Guggman HausSweet / Milk Stout14.5%
Barrel Shifter PorterTin WhiskersRobust Porter7.5%
Barrel SlayerToppling GoliathAmerican Imperial Stout
Barrel StilletoGizmo Brew WorksAmerican Stout6.1%
Barrel StoutBlacklist Beer LLCRussian Imperial Stout9.8%
Barrel Thief Oak Aged DIPAOdell BrewingImperial IPA10.3%
Barrel to the RootzBrouwerij De MoersleutelAmerican Barleywine15.0%
Barrel WaveVandeStreek BierRussian Imperial Stout12.6%
Barrel WeissBrewery VivantBerliner Weisse4.5%
Barrel Works Series MonstrosusSouthern Tier Brewing Co14.7%