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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Upheaval IPAWidmer Brothers Brewing
Upland Wheat AleUpland BrewingAmerican Pale Wheat Beer4.5%
Upon the Shattered CliffsBolero SnortAmerican Porter10.7%
Upon the Shattered Cliffs w/ Hazelnuts, Maple Syrup & CinnamonCzig Meister
Upper CaseTrillium Brewing CompanyImperial IPA9.0%
Upper Middle Class OblivionNøgne Ø12.0%
Upper Peninsula Ale (UPA)Upper Hand BreweryAmerican Pale Ale5.5%
Uppers Downers All AroundersPrairie Artisan AlesAmerican Imperial Stout14.0%
Upright Untitled (Bad Brains)Upright Brewing Company
UprisingIron Fist Brewing CompanyBelgian IPA12.0%
Uprising Barrel Aged StoutSons of Liberty Beer & Spirits Co
Uprising Beechwood Smoked Bourbon Barrel Aged StoutSons of Liberty Beer & Spirits Co
Uprising Bourbon Barrel Aged StoutSons of Liberty Beer & Spirits Co
Uprising Peat Smoked Bourbon Barrel Aged StoutSons of Liberty Beer & Spirits Co
Uprising Pedro Ximenez Sherry Barrel Aged StoutSons of Liberty Beer & Spirits Co