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Beer Brewery Style ABV
VéierKlaus BrewingQuadrupel (Quad)11.7%
Veil of PapayaNorth Fork Brewing Co.New England IPA7.0%
Veldrijden Love - Chardonnay BarrelOther Half Brewing Co.Saison7.8%
VellichorMonkish Brewing Co.Wild Ale7.7%
Vellichor w/ ApricotMonkish Brewing Co.
Vellichor w/ BoysenberryMonkish Brewing Co.
Vellichor w/ RaspberryMonkish Brewing Co.
VeloBlack Sheep BreweryEnglish Pale Ale
Velo de FlorVista BrewingLambic6.0%
VelocihoptorNinkasi BrewingImperial IPA8.4%
Velocipede India Pale AleBicycle Craft BreweryAmerican IPA6.0%
Velocity Saltaire American IPA
Velocity of LightPipeworks Brewing CompanyNew England IPA7.0%
Velour FogFour Fires Meadery14.0%
VelvetCasey Brewing And BlendingWild Ale8.0%