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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Barrel House Series - Old FashionedSouthern Tier Brewing CoAmerican Strong Ale16.0%
Barrel House Series OatSouthern Tier Brewing CoOatmeal Stout12.6%
Barrel Marrow: ApricotReach Break BrewingWild Ale5.6%
Barrel Marrow: Montmorency CherryReach Break BrewingWild Ale5.9%
Barrel No. 7Joseph James BrewingRussian Imperial Stout9.5%
Barrel NoirAlmanac Beer Co.American Imperial Stout10.0%
Barrel of BisquitteSasanoa BrewingWild Ale6.2%
Barrel of Hugs5 PaddlesRussian Imperial Stout11.5%
Barrel of LoveAdelbert's BreweryAmerican Stout8.0%
Barrel of MonkeysDevil's CanyonAmerican Barleywine14.0%
Barrel of Thunder Bourbon Barrel Imperial StoutTitletown BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
Barrel Porter with Vanilla BeansGreat Lakes BreweryBaltic Porter7.0%
Barrel Program IMaine Beer CompanyWild Ale
Barrel Project 18.04Brouwerij KeesEnglish Barleywine11.2%
Barrel Project 18.11Brouwerij KeesImperial Porter9.0%