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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Vanilla Imperial Porter (VIP)Madhouse Brewing Company
Vanilla Imperial StoutHubbard's CaveAmerican Imperial Stout9.7%
Vanilla Infused Porter (V.I.P.)Hop Valley Brewing CompanyAmerican Porter5.9%
Vanilla Java PorterAtwater Block BrewingAmerican Porter6.0%
Vanilla Java PorterAtwater BreweryAmerican Porter6.0%
Vanilla KamigoyeTransient Artisan AlesAmerican Imperial Stout12.5%
Vanilla Latte Bourbon Barrel Vastness of SpaceCellarmaker Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout14.1%
Vanilla Latte Milkshake StoutRochester Mills Beer Co.Sweet / Milk Stout5.3%
Vanilla maple apple brandy Sleeping Forever The Veil Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout
Vanilla MarionSuperstition Meadery13.5%
Vanilla MarisTimber AlesEnglish Barleywine12.0%
Vanilla MeadowfoamGaragiste Meadery
Vanilla MedianocheWeldwerks
Vanilla MedianocheWeldworksAmerican Imperial Stout14.1%
Vanilla Missed yopur planeNew Groove Artisan BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout10.8%