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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Traveler's Trek TDH Triple NEIPAGuggman HausNew England IPA11.2%
Travelin' ManAdelbert's BreweryBelgian IPA7.0%
The Traveling PlumThe BrueryWild Ale6.2%
The Traveling PlumBruery TerreuxWild Ale6.2%
Traverse City Cherry WheatAtwater Block BrewingAmerican Pale Wheat Beer
TravestyCenter of the Universe Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout10.6%
TravisVista BrewingBrett Beer6.5%
TraxxxWitch's Hat Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout13.5%
Tre Fontane Scala CoeliAbbazia delle Tre FontaneBelgian Blonde Ale6.7%
Tre Fontane TripelAbbazia delle Tre FontaneTripel8.5%
Tre KindThree Heads BrewingImperial IPA10.0%
Treachery of ImagesSante Adairius Rustic AlesFlanders Oud Bruin9.3%
Tread Lightely AleNew Planet Brewery
Treasure ChestGreen Flash Brewing Co.American IPA5.7%
TreatMidnight Sun Brewing Co.7.8%