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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Tart of Darkness As You WishBruery TerreuxAmerican Imperial Stout7.9%
Tart of Darkness with Black CurrantsThe BrueryWild Ale6.2%
Tart of Darkness with Black CurrantsBruery Terreux
Tart of Darkness with Cacao & VanillaThe BrueryWild Ale7.0%
Tart Of Darkness with Cherries & VanillaThe BrueryWild Ale7.0%
Tart of Darkness with Cherries & VanillaBruery TerreuxWild Ale7.0%
Tart of Darkness with Cherry and CoconutThe Bruery
Tart of Darkness with Raspberry & CacaoThe Bruery7.1%
Tart of Darkness with Raspberry & CacaoBruery TerreuxWild Ale7.1%
Tart Peach KolschBallast Point Brewing CompanyKölsch5.3%
Tart Red Currant HelsingThree Magnets BrewerySaison6.5%
Tart Side of the BarrelBrewery VivantSaison9.8%
Tart Side Of The BarrelBrewery VivantBelgian Dark Strong Ale9.8%
Tart Side of the MoonBrewery Vivant9.8%
Tart Side of theTecheBayou TecheFruit and Field Beer