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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Sweet TupeloGaragiste Meadery
Sweet, With Fruit3 Sheeps Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout12.8%
Sweet-Florence Barriqué Sauvignon BlancBarbe rouge brasseur itinérant5.0%
Sweet-Sour Red SeriesBIIRFruit Lambic6.0%
Sweeter, Thicker, Darker, StrongerMagnify Brewing
Sweetgrass American PaleGrand Teton Brewing Co.
Sweetheart AriaEngine House #9
Sweetpants SamuraiBasqueland Brewing Co6.5%
Sweets - Banana Maple SyrupMountains WalkingFruit and Field Beer8.0%
Sweets - Black Currant CheesecakeMountains WalkingFruit and Field Beer6.0%
Sweets - Blueberry LemonMountains Walking5.0%
Sweets - Cherry ChocolateMountains WalkingBerliner Weisse6.5%
Sweets - Passion Fruit, Kiwi & MarshmallowMountains WalkingFruit and Field Beer8.0%
Sweets - Peach CobblerMountains WalkingFruit and Field Beer6.0%
Sweets - Strawberry, Blackberry, MarshmallowMountains WalkingFruit and Field Beer8.0%