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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Sympton of Progeny Burial Beer Co.Wild Ale
SymzoniaOmnipolloAmerican Imperial Stout13.0%
Synchronic BeatsImagine Nation Brewing Co.Imperial IPA7.7%
SyndicateAngry Chair Brewing
Syndicate No. 1Speakeasy Ales and LagersAmerican Strong Ale10.5%
Syndicate No. 2Speakeasy Ales and Lagers10.5%
Syndicate No. 3Speakeasy Ales and LagersAmerican Strong Ale10.5%
Synopsis - Black CurrantArea TwoWild Ale6.4%
Synopsis - Prickly PearArea TwoWild Ale6.4%
SynthesisOxbow Brewing CompanySaison8.0%
Synthesis AnalogousJester King Craft BreweryWild Ale5.6%
Synthesis Vanilla ChaiBrewlihan Mead Company
Syracuse Pale AleMiddle Ages BrewingAmerican Pale Ale5.0%
SyrahFair Isle BrewingFruit and Field Beer8.9%
Syrah SmileThe Bruery