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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Barrel Aged GloomNarrows BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout14.0%
Barrel Aged Gold RushHale's Ales brewery & PubBelgian Pale Strong Ale10.2%
Barrel Aged Gorm The OldHammerheart
Barrel Aged GoseWarped Wing Brewing Company9.5%
Barrel Aged Gose with TangerineWarped Wing Brewing CompanyGose9.5%
Barrel Aged Grand Poobah CoffeeCrown BrewingRussian Imperial Stout10.0%
Barrel Aged Grandma"s BoyBellwoods Brewery
Barrel Aged Griffith J. GriffithHighland Park BreweryRussian Imperial Stout12.5%
Barrel Aged GrowlOff Color BrewingQuadrupel (Quad)10.0%
Barrel Aged Gulle Tinus (2022)Gulpener Bierbrouwerij12.0%
Barrel Aged Gunslinger 2019Back Channel Brewing Co9.3%
Barrel Aged Hack WeightO.T. Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout10.3%
Barrel Aged Happy Buck'N AnniversaryBolero Snort
Barrel Aged HarbingerJ. Wakefield Brewing
Barrel Aged Hawt RoxxxFive & 20 Spirits and Brewing6.4%