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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Sour in the Rye with KumquatsBruery TerreuxAmerican Imperial Stout14.9%
Sour in the Rye with Passionfruit, Orange and GuavaThe BrueryWild Ale7.8%
Sour in the Rye with Passionfruit, Orange, and GuavaBruery TerreuxWild Ale7.3%
Sour in the Rye with PeachesThe BrueryWild Ale7.0%
Sour in the Rye with PeachesBruery TerreuxWild Ale7.0%
Sour In The Rye with Pinapple & CoconutThe BrueryWild Ale7.8%
Sour IPApFriemAmerican IPA5.0%
Sour is the New BlackManayunk Brewery and RestaurantWild Ale7.5%
Sour LagerPortside BreweryWild Ale8.2%
Sour Lake: Guava, Passionfruit, OrangeBroad Leaf Local BeerFruit and Field Beer5.0%
Sour Me - Black AppleDuClawFruit and Field Beer5.5%
Sour Me AmericaDuClawFruited Kettle Sour5.5%
Sour Me CarolinaDuClawWild Ale5.8%
Sour Me This DuClawFruit and Field Beer5.8%
Sour Me Unicorn FartsDuClaw5.5%