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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Sinner's Blend 2018The Lost Abbey
Sinner's Blend 2020The Lost AbbeyAmerican Imperial Stout13.7%
Sinner's SonSweetwater Brewing - AtlantaAmerican Imperial Stout12.4%
Sinnerman / Cinnamon Imperial StoutStigbergets BryggeriAmerican Imperial Stout12.0%
Sinners Ale 2009The Lost Abbey8.0%
Sinners Ale 2010The Lost AbbeyWild Ale8.0%
Sinners SonSweet Water Tavern and BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout12.4%
Sins Of Our Fathers Imperial StoutCrooked Fence BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout9.2%
Sins Of Our Fathers Imperial Stout (Barrel Aged)Crooked Fence BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout
Sins Of Our FoedersBarewolf BreweryWild Ale6.9%
Sins So SweetHopFly Brewing Co.Sweet / Milk Stout13.2%
Sint Amatus ReservaDe Struise BrouwersQuadrupel (Quad)10.5%
Sint Amatus Reserva - Oostvleteren 12De Struise BrouwersQuadrupel (Quad)10.5%
Sint Gummarus TripelBrouwerij CornelissenTripel8.3%
SinuousNorth Peak Brewing CompanyIrish Red Ale5.6%