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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Barbary Coast Brand Gold Rush Style BeerTunner's Guild Brewing Systems
Barbary Coast CoffeeAlmanac Beer Co.American Imperial Stout10.0%
Barbe BlackBrouwerij Verhaeghe
Barbe NoelBrouwerij VerhaegheBelgian Pale Strong Ale10.0%
Barbe RubyBrouwerij VerhaegheFruit and Field Beer7.7%
BarberaBrouwerij Hof Ten DormaalWild Ale7.5%
BarbericSudwerk BrewingSaison7.5%
BarbieSwinePig Pounder BreweryEnglish Barleywine11.0%
BarbouSupermoon Beer CompanyOld Ale12.0%
Barbou (2024)Supermoon Beer CompanyOld Ale10.5%
BarbroQvänum Mat & MaltHerb and Spice Beer2.8%
Barcode Copper & Obsidian (8720615262625)Brouwerij De MoersleutelRussian Imperial Stout14.0%
Barcode Copper & Wool (8720615261970)Brouwerij De MoersleutelRussian Imperial Stout14.0%
Barcode GreenDemoersleutel Beer Engineers