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Beer Brewery Style ABV
ResinSixpoint Craft AlesImperial IPA9.1%
Resin From the DeadTo ØlAmerican IPA6.0%
Resin On My ThumbsOdd Breed Wild AlesSaison
Resin RaptureLupulin Brewing8.0%
ResistAdroit TheoryImperial IPA10.0%
Resist - CreamsicleThe Brewing ProjektNew England IPA7.6%
Resist - Pina ColadaThe Brewing ProjektAmerican IPA7.0%
Resist Double VanillaThe Brewing ProjektNew England IPA7.0%
Resist Milkshake IPAThe Brewing Projekt7.0%
Resist: Blood OrangeThe Brewing ProjektNew England IPA6.8%
ResistanceIron Fist Brewing CompanyWild Ale7.0%
The ResistanceIron Fist Brewing CompanyBelgian Pale Ale7.0%
Resistance = Vanilla/CurrantBarreled SoulsEnglish Barleywine11.4%
The Resistance aged in white wine BarrelsIron Fist Brewing Company7.0%
Resistance W.I.T.C.HSketchbook Brewing Co.American IPA6.7%