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Beer Brewery Style ABV
BA Maple VladHailstorm Brewing Co.
BA Masillard w/Maple & CinammonFibonacciAmerican Imperial Stout11.8%
BA MeadBohemian Barrel12.0%
BA Mexican BrunchKane Brewing CompanyImperial Porter11.4%
BA Mexican Cake Extra ViejoWestbrook Brewing
BA Mexican Cake Triple Coconut XXXWestbrook Brewing
BA MochaccinoFlagler VillageAmerican Imperial Stout
BA Mole InkRhinegeist BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout13.0%
BA Moloko Wylde CherryThree Floyds Brewing
BA Mother of All Stouts F——— w Maple Syrup and VanillaTransient Artisan Ales
BA Mother of All Stouts F——— w WalnutsTransient Artisan Ales
BA Naked Double Mustache Calusa BrewingAmerican Brown Ale11.5%
BA NanaaimoTrillium/Evil twinAmerican Imperial Stout14.9%
BA Neapolitan StoutUntitled Art / Bottle Logic
BA Nordic NoirNøgne ØAmerican Strong Ale