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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Nutcracker PorterBlack Oak Brewing Co.American Porter5.8%
Nutella AchromaticWeldworksAmerican Imperial Stout10.5%
NutmegSchramm's Mead14.0%
NutsOther Half Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout12.0%
Nuts & BoltsNarrows BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Nutt StuffPrairie Artisan Ales
NuttercupBrew Link Brewing CoAmerican Porter6.5%
The Nuttiest ProfessorAvery Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout15.6%
Nutty BrewnetteBJ's Restaurant and BreweryAmerican Brown Ale5.9%
NutulhuGoose Island Beer Co.American Imperial Stout
NutulhuGoose Island Beer Company - ClybournAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
NvU Pajama PartyPipeworks Brewing CompanyImperial IPA9.5%
NvU vs The HazePipeworks Brewing CompanyNew England IPA8.0%
NvU vs. The CryoPipeworks Brewing CompanyImperial IPA8.0%
NW RedStoup BrewingAmerican Amber / Red Ale5.5%