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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Moving Parts The Ever Evolving IPA: Batch No. 3Victory BrewingBelgian IPA6.6%
Moy BierHofbrauhaus FreisingHelles5.2%
Moylander Double IPAMoylan's Brewery & RestaurantImperial IPA8.5%
Moylannium AleMoylan's Brewery & Restaurant
Moylans Hopsickle Imperial AleMoylan's Brewery & RestaurantImperial IPA9.2%
Moylan’s Hop Craic XXXX Quadruple IPAMoylan's Brewery & RestaurantQuadrupel (Quad)10.4%
MozaCervecera Centro Americana S.A.Bock
MozangoLagunitas Brewing CompanyImperial IPA7.7%
MozartSocietà Agricola AnimABelgian Pale Strong Ale7.0%
MoZeeToppling GoliathAmerican IPA5.5%
MozieMore Brewing CompanyAmerican IPA7.0%
Mozzarella and parmesan shreddedBadge Ho Brewing
Mozzarella shreddedBadge Ho Brewing
MPHTen NinetyAmerican Porter10.8%
Mr ChipperWestbrook BrewingFlanders Red Ale