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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Apple Brandy Barrel-Aged TripelWestbrook BrewingTripel10.0%
Apple Brandy Bomb!Prairie Artisan Ales
Apple Brandy Cherry MeertsFunk Factory GeuzeriaWild Ale4.5%
Apple Brandy Cyser 2015Smazinheira Brewing20.0%
Apple Brandy DemogorgonStreetside BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout15.4%
Apple Brandy DerivationSide Project
Apple Brandy GBSHardywood Park Craft BrewerySweet / Milk Stout10.4%
Apple Brandy Mega GBSHardywood Park Craft Brewery
Apple Brandy NoirPrairie Artisan AlesRussian Imperial Stout11.0%
Apple Brandy Oil of AphroditeJackie O's Pub & BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout12.2%
Apple Brandy ParadisePrairie Artisan Ales
Apple Brandy Retribution (2 Years - 2016)DuClawAmerican Imperial Stout11.5%
Apple Brandy Retribution (6 Months - 2018)DuClawAmerican Imperial Stout11.5%
Apple Brandy Toast-E CoilzThe Veil Brewing Company
Apple Brandy Walk With MeStandard Meadery14.0%