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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Annie Are You Oak Aged? - Heaven HillJopenImperial Red Ale11.0%
Annie Are You Oak Aged? - Jim BeamJopenImperial Red Ale11.0%
Annie Are You Oak Aged? - Rum BarrelsJopenImperial Red Ale11.0%
AnnihilationAnchorage Brewing CoImperial IPA11.4%
Annimal Night Shift Brewing
AnniversariaPerennial Artisan AlesWild Ale7.7%
Anniversario Eisalte AleThe CebrueryOld Ale11.2%
Anniversario Solera LambicThe CebrueryLambic5.9%
The AnniversaryDe Garde BrewingGueuze5.0%
Anniversary # 07Brouwerij KeesAmerican Porter11.6%
The Anniversary - 10th Anniversary BlendDe Garde BrewingWild Ale5.5%
Anniversary - 19Ithaca Beer CompanyWild Ale
Anniversary 11River North BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout23.1%
Anniversary 19 Session IPAVictory BrewingAmerican IPA4.5%
Anniversary 20Victory BrewingEnglish IPA5.5%