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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Extreme Sour - WatermelonArtisanal Brew Works
Extremely Angry BeastClown ShoesRussian Imperial Stout12.0%
ExtremophileSpeciation Artisan Ales8.5%
ExtricationTransient Artisan AlesImperial IPA8.0%
ExtropianSpeciation Artisan Ales6.5%
Eye of the HawkMendocino Brewing - HoplandOld Ale8.0%
Eye of the NeedleSante Adairius Rustic Ales
Eye OpenerCellar Dweller Brewery7.5%
Eye Patch AleMonday Night BrewingAmerican IPA6.2%
Eye WineMinneapolis Town Hall Brewery
Eye-LaPlan Bee Farm Brewery
EyeballB. Nektar Meadery17.0%
Eyes Closed And OpenTired HandsSaison6.3%
Eyes of the WorldTriple C Brewing CompanyAmerican Porter8.2%
Eyes To The SkyBeachwood BBQ & BrewingAmerican IPA7.1%