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Beer Brewery Style ABV
ElizaFieldwork Brewing Co.Sweet / Milk Stout10.0%
Elizabeth RutherfordThe BrueryAmerican Imperial Stout14.5%
Elizabethan AleHarvey & Son (Lewes)8.1%
Elk Creek Copper AleElk Creek Cafe and AleworksAmerican Amber / Red Ale
ElleJackie O's Pub & BrewerySaison5.1%
Ellen's Coffee StoutAtlantic Brewing CompanyAmerican Stout5.4%
Ellicottville IPAEllicottville Brewing Co..American IPA6.0%
Ellie AnnPlan Bee Farm BreweryWild Ale
Ellie's Brown AleAvery Brewing CompanyAmerican Brown Ale5.5%
ElliotPerennial Artisan AlesSaison7.2%
Ellipsing the SunEcliptic Brewing Company
EllipticWhite RoosterSaison5.0%
Elliptic - White PeachWhite RoosterWild Ale
Elm City PilsnerNew England Brewing Co.German Pilsner5.0%
Elm City SchwarzbierElm City Brewing CoSchwarzbier5.3%