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Beer Brewery Style ABV
The Dude White Russian Java PorterCrown BrewingAmerican Porter
The Dude's BaneBoulder Beer CompanyEnglish Barleywine12.3%
Dude's D'SpareBoulder Beer CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
The Dude's DelightJopenOatmeal Stout12.3%
The Dude's Delight - Appleton BAJopenOatmeal Stout15.5%
The Dude's Delight - Heaven Hill BAJopenOatmeal Stout14.2%
The Dude's Delight - Jim Bean BAJopenOatmeal Stout14.2%
Dude's RugB. Nektar Meadery5.5%
Dude, Smell This RoomThe Libertine Brewing CompanyWild Ale6.0%
Dude, Where Are My Shorts?DOK brewing Company3.0%
Due Date #2Bad Weather BrewingEnglish Barleywine9.5%
Due date 3Bad Weather BrewingQuadrupel (Quad)9.4%
DuelBrasserie DunhamWild Ale5.6%
The DuelEngine House #9Wild Ale5.9%
Dueling PipersAle IndustriesRye Beer10.5%