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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Downwinder GoseAthletic Brewing Co.Gose0.4%
DOX Session IPATo Øl4.5%
Dozer18th Street BreweryGerman Pilsner4.9%
DP-PBJC Double Peanut - Peanut Butter Jelly CrimeSuperstition Meadery13.5%
DPAPyramid Alehouse, Brewery and Restaurant - BerkeleyAmerican Pale Ale
DPAPyramid Alehouse, Brewery and Restaurant - SeattleAmerican Pale Ale5.1%
DPVBrewlihan Mead Company
Dr CaligariBirrificio Toccalmatto6.3%
Dr raptorBrouwerij het UiltjeImperial IPA9.2%
Dr StrangematterBottle LogicSaison9.6%
Dr ToddThe Wild Beer Co.9.0%
Dr. FrankenstoneStone BrewingAmerican IPA5.5%
Dr. 'SaicMagnify Brewing
Dr. BunsenYellow Springs BreweryAmerican IPA6.0%