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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Double Piña Colada ChantillyPhase Three Brewing CompanyImperial IPA9.0%
Double Pink Guava and Red CurrantHudson Valley Brewery
DOUBLE PLATINUMStarr HillImperial IPA8.6%
Double Plum Genetic DriftSpeciation Artisan AlesSaison7.0%
Double Pot & KettleTrillium9.0%
Double Pot & KettleTrillium Brewing CompanyOatmeal Stout9.0%
Double PunkBrewDog LtdImperial IPA
Double Purple LemurAmerican SoleraAmerican Imperial Stout12.0%
Double RainbowCismontane BrewingImperial IPA9.0%
Double Rainbow IPAElk Creek Cafe and AleworksEnglish IPA
Double Raspberry cheesecake Great Notion
Double Raspberry EndLayerModist Brewing Co.Fruit and Field Beer7.2%
Double raspberry lineage wheatTrillium
Double Raspberry Lineage WheatTrillium Brewing CompanySaison6.7%
Double Raspberry MarblesMore Brewing Co.New England IPA8.0%