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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Double Barrel Hunahpu's Imperial StoutCigar City BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout
Double Barrel Iced BarleywineUntitled ArtAmerican Barleywine18.4%
Double Barrel Imperial German Chocolate CupcakeAngry Chair BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout
Double Barrel Imperial Mexican Biscotti Cake BreakWestbrook Brewing / Evil TwinAmerican Imperial Stout10.5%
Double barrel intangible Corporate Ladder Brewing
Double Barrel JesusEvil TwinAmerican Imperial Stout12.0%
Double Barrel LouieWestbound & DownEnglish Barleywine14.3%
Double Barrel MaestroAlesongAmerican Barleywine16.0%
Double Barrel Maiden VoyageCorporate Ladder BrewingFruit and Field Beer11.3%
Double Barrel Maple A Night to End All DawnsKane Brewing Company
Double Barrel Maple Coconut Mexican CakeWestbrook BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout10.5%
Double Barrel Maple CrispAngry Chair Brewing
Double Barrel Maple In The WoodSide Project / Private Press
Double Barrel Maple Praline Sleepy BearWerk Force BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout
Double Barrel Maple StoutAvery Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout15.3%