Browse Beers    First | 1165 | 1166 | 1167 | 1168 | 1169 | 1170 | 1171 | 1172 | 1173 | Last   
Beer Brewery Style ABV
Decennial I: God ComplexRiver North Brewery15.6%
Decennial Dark SorceressRiver North BreweryImperial Porter15.2%
Decennial II: ShadowmanRiver North Brewery16.0%
Decennial III: Father TimeRiver North Brewery15.1%
Decennial IV: The Last GuardianRiver North BreweryBière de Garde15.2%
DeceptionBlack Market Brewing CompanyAmerican Blonde Ale4.5%
Deception Session IPAMikkellerAmerican IPA5.0%
Deceptive Decor - Shabby ChicCigar City Brewing
Decided FunkFoley Brothers Brewing7.2%
The DeCider (Peanut Butter Caramel Apple Cider)The Brewery at Hershey6.0%
DeciduousTrilliumAmerican Strong Ale12.5%
DecimationTriple Digit Brewing CoWheatwine10.0%
Deckhand Belgian SaisonLighthouse BrewingSaison8.0%
Decklin's IndulgenceBig Top BrewingAmerican Brown Ale6.0%
DeclarationReformation BreweryRussian Imperial Stout9.7%