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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Dawn ChorusTriple Crossing BrewingImperial IPA8.0%
Dawn of a New DayBig Alice BrewingImperial IPA7.5%
Dawn Of AuroraAugust Schell Brewing
Dawn of Prometheus Night FuryWitch's Hat Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout13.5%
Dawn of the DaveTo ØlAmerican IPA5.9%
Dawn PatrolCoastal Empire Beer Co.12.0%
Day & NightTrilliumAmerican Barleywine10.0%
Day & NightTrillium Brewing CompanyAmerican Barleywine10.0%
Day and NightFrauGruber BrewingNew England IPA5.0%
Day Golden SourTrinity Brewing Company5.0%
Day In Day OutBrewery ARSAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
Day of DoomMystic BreweryQuadrupel (Quad)12.0%
Day of the deadGarage Project6.7%
Day of the DeadReuben's BrewsVienna Lager5.3%
Day of the Dead Chocolatl Stout (The Necromancer)Cerveceria Mexicana S.A. De C.V.American Stout5.0%