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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Coopers Mild AleCoopers BreweryEnglish Pale Mild Ale3.5%
Coopers Original Pale AleCoopers BreweryEnglish Pale Ale4.5%
Coopers Premium LagerCoopers BreweryAmerican Lager5.0%
Coopers Premium LightCoopers BreweryLight Lager2.9%
Coopers Sparkling AleCoopers BreweryEnglish Pale Ale5.8%
Coors Extra Gold LagerCoors Brewing - Golden BreweryAmerican Lager5.0%
Coors LightCoors Brewing - Golden BreweryLight Lager4.2%
Coors OriginalCoors Brewing - Golden BreweryLight Lager5.0%
Copacabana Brut IPAUrbanautBrut IPA7.1%
CopainsSide Project / Boulevard BrewingWild Ale9.4%
Copestonefox farm brewingAmerican Barleywine11.0%
Copious Amounts of JuiceMagnify Brewing
Copious Amounts of Pineapple JuiceMagnify Brewing
Copious Amounts of Strawberry JuiceMagnify Brewing
Copious Imperial StoutJekyll BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout9.5%