TheFunkyMonk's Cellar Seattle
Total Beers: 12  |  Unique Beers: 6  |  Breweries: 5
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of 120 Minute IPA by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery (2014-02-17)April 25th, 2015
Drank 22 oz of The Abyss by Deschutes Brewery (2011)November 30th, 2014
Drank 375 ml of Older Viscosity by Port Brewing Company (2013)July 30th, 2014
Great, still very sweet. Could use another year on it.
Drank 12 oz of World Wide Stout by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery (2013-12-11)July 2nd, 2014
Mixed with a fresh 120 Minute IPA for a Heaven and Hell. Couldn't get the two to separate. Very delicious and super sweet; will need to sip on this one for a long while. 4/5
Drank 12 oz of Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout by North Coast Brewing Co. (2013-05)June 29th, 2014
2 fingers of creamy head. Alcohol on the nose, tastes of roasty coffee. Lots of carbonation, full bodied, more roasty than sweet. 4/5
Drank 12 oz of Ten Fidy by Oskar Blues Brewery (2012-10-19)June 29th, 2014
Velvety two fingers of head. Aroma is roasty and smooth. Taste is creamy, reminiscent of an oatmeal stout and the sweetness of fresh Ten Fidy has mellowed out a lot. Very good age for this beer. 4/5