Stash's Cellar Southern California
Total Beers: 127  |  Unique Beers: 62  |  Breweries: 27
127 0
In Cellar (127)
In Fridge (0)
5 Golden Rings
The Bruery
750 ml201200
The Abyss
Deschutes Brewery
22 oz201230
The Abyss
Deschutes Brewery
22 oz201320
Hair of the Dog Brewing Company
12 oz10
Barrel Noir
Almanac Beer Co.
500 ml10
Barrel Roll No. 1 Immelman
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery
750 ml10
Barrel Roll No. 3 Pugachev's Cobra
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery
750 ml10
Barrel Roll No 4 Hammerhead
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery
750 ml00
Between The Staves
Anchorage/Crooked Stave
750 ml10
Big Bad Baptist
Epic Brewing Company
22 oz201310
Black Butte XXIV
Deschutes Brewery
22 oz201200
Black Butte XXV (25th Birthday Reserve)
Deschutes Brewery
22 oz201320
Black Tuesday
The Bruery
750 ml201220
Black Tuesday
The Bruery
750 ml201330
Black Xantus
Nectar Ales
22 oz10
The Bruery
750 ml201310
Bois Fumé
The Bruery
750 ml20
Bottleworks XII
The Bruery
750 ml10
Bourbon Barrel Quad
Boulevard Brewing Company
750 ml10
Bourbon County Brand Stout
Goose Island Beer Co.
12 oz201250
Bourbon County Brand Stout
Goose Island Beer Co.
12 oz2013150
Brandy Barrel Peche
Almanac Beer Co.
375 ml10
Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti
Great Divide Brewing Company
22 oz201310
Chocolate Rain
The Bruery
750 ml20
Russian River Brewing Company
375 ml10
The Dissident
Deschutes Brewery
22 oz201220
Doggie Claws
Hair of the Dog Brewing Company
12 oz201310
Dogpatch Sour
Almanac Beer Co.
375 ml201310
Double Double Barrel Ale
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201200
Double Double Barrel Ale
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201350
Espresso Imperial Russian Stout
Stone Brewing
22 oz201310
Farmer's Reserve #3
Almanac Beer Co.
375 ml201310
The Bruery
750 ml20
Firestone 14 - Anniversary Ale
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201000
Firestone 15 - Anniversary Ale
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201110
Firestone 16 - Anniversary Ale
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201230
Firestone 17 - Anniversary Ale
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz50
The Bruery
750 ml10
Fyodor's Classic
Stone Brewing
500 ml10
Green Monster
Deschutes Brewery
22 oz201330
Gueuze 100% Lambic Bio
Brasserie Cantillon
375 ml00
Heirloom Pumpkin Barleywine
Almanac Beer Co.
375 ml201310
Imperial Stout
Boulevard Brewing Company
750 ml10
Labyrinth Black Ale
Uinta Brewing Company
750 ml10
La Roja
Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales
22 oz10
Lips Of Faith - Le Terroir
New Belgium Brewing
22 oz201320
Love Child No. 3
Boulevard Brewing Company
750 ml201320
Mash & Grind
The Bruery
750 ml00
Melange No. 3
The Bruery
750 ml10
Mirror Mirror
Deschutes Brewery
22 oz30
Oak Aged Bretta
Logsdon Farmhouse Ales
750 ml20
Old Stock Ale 2011 Cellar Reserve (Aged in Brandy Barrels)
North Coast Brewing Co.
500 ml201320
Old Stock Ale 2013
North Coast Brewing Co.
12 oz30
Orval Trappist Ale
Brasserie d'Orval
330 ml20
Oude Gueuze Tilquin à L'Ancienne
Gueuzerie Tilquin
750 ml10
Oude Tart With Sour Cherries
The Bruery
750 ml10
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz2013-0460
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201440
Prairie 'Merica
Prairie Artisan Ales
500 ml10
Avery Brewing Company
12 oz201310
Boulevard Brewing Company
750 ml10
Saison - Brett
Boulevard Brewing Company
750 ml20
Saison Rue
The Bruery
750 ml10
Seizoen Bretta
Logsdon Farmhouse Ales
750 ml10
Southern Charred
Stone Brewing
500 ml2013-1010
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201220
System Of A Stout
Beachwood BBQ & Brewing
22 oz10
T.R.E.A.T. Imperial Chocolate Pumpkin Porter
Midnight Sun Brewing Co.
22 oz00
Russian River Brewing Company
375 ml10
Beachwood BBQ & Brewing
22 oz00
Trappist Westvleteren 12
Brouwerij Westvleteren
Uncle Jacob's Stout
Avery Brewing Company
12 oz10
Velvet Merkin
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
22 oz201320
Victory at Sea Imperial Porter
Ballast Point Brewing Company
22 oz201310
Vieille Artisanal Saison
Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project
375 ml10
White Chocolate
The Bruery
750 ml201300
This user has not entered any beers in their cellar.