Pottsy's Cellar Indiana
Total Beers: 133  |  Unique Beers: 69  |  Breweries: 35
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Not Your Father's Root Beer by Small Town BreweryApril 4th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Bomb! by Prairie Artisan AlesApril 4th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Alpha King by Three Floyds Brewing (2015-02-12)April 4th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Spotted Cow by New Glarus Brewing CompanyMarch 31st, 2015
Drank 16 oz of Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Company (2015-01-14)March 31st, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Harvest Pumpkin Ale by Samuel AdamsMarch 31st, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Alpha King by Three Floyds Brewing (2015-02-12)March 31st, 2015
Drank 25 oz of 75 Minute IPA by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery (2014-07-31)March 31st, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Space Station Middle Finger by Three Floyds Brewing (2014-10-08)March 29th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Spotted Cow by New Glarus Brewing CompanyMarch 29th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Death by Hops by Olde Hickory BreweryMarch 29th, 2015
Drank 16 oz of Alloy by Tin Man BrewingMarch 23rd, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Strawgator by Abita Brewing CompanyMarch 23rd, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Smitten Golden Rye Ale by Bell's Brewery, Inc.March 23rd, 2015
Drank 22 oz of Smells Like Grahamma's Lemon Tart Saison by Burn 'Em BrewingMarch 23rd, 2015